See: Is this your first time here?
Click on “Create new account“.

Complete the information required for the new account i.e. Username, password and personal details.
Click on “Create my new account“.

You need to create your Student Profile:
To Complete the new account information you will need:
EMAIL ADDRESS work or private email address
PASSWORD Your choice (Not your coupon code!!)
Click on the checkbox: I have read and agree to the Terms of Service and Customer Privacy Policy.
Then click SIGN UP
You will then be prompted to Complete Your Purchase

You are asked if you: Have a coupon?
If you have a coupon code ENTER COUPON code: ???????
This is provided by Mark Nevill
Then click APPLY
The total price will adjust depending on your coupon amount.
Then enter your credit card/payment information if applicable
Click Enrol Now
You are now enrolled in this course.
Once in the student dashboard, you open your course.

You will see How to use the program on the left hand side. I recommend you watch this video.
To access Program 1:
On the Left hand side is a panel:
“ Kitehawk Learning Program 1 “
Click on this panel and the Program will appear.
A new screen will appear.
Then click START

The Menu will appear and disappear by clicking on the three horizontal bars (the hamburger) in the top left-hand corner.
Please phone Mark 0419 903 424 if you have any problems.